Practice with us

We’ve just created a FREE ICAO English Practice page to help you prepare for your next ICAO English test or to help you as you study in an Aviation English class. We’re starting a new series of Speed Drills today so join us for some free ICAO English practice. What’s a speed drill? A speed drill is some practice that you do as fast as you can. So, grab your cell phone, open the voice recorder app, press play and let’s get started! If you want to take notes, go to the practice page and grab the free worksheet download!. Want to get some feedback on your answers? Email us:

  • What’s the Seaplane series? Just a name that we picked on honor of summertime fun!
  • Level: Intermediate to Advanced (ICAO 4-6) or Beginner (to practice with just the worksheet)
  • Areas to be practiced: Comprehension, Fluency, and Interactions (ICAO Language Descriptors)

Want to practice with feedback? View our courses for private practice or do some self-guided practice with our Strategies for ICAO Testing Membership.

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